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Scrabble™ Software Downloads

Based on Collins English DictionaryCollins Official Scrabble™ Words 2021 is the most comprehensive Scrabble™ word list ever, including World English from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, and USA brought together in a single list.

With more than 279,000 permissible words, including inflected forms, this is a must for anyone playing Scrabble. A print version is available from the HarperCollins website.

Scrabble™ Help: below are links to approved apps to help with checking, solving and training.

Collins Zyzzyva 5.2.0 word study application

By downloading this Adjudication and Training Software (“the Software”) you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Collins Zyzzyva is an adjudication and word training tool for Scrabble™.

It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Collins Zyzzyva works on these operating systems: OS X and Windows.

Download versions with the 2021 word list:


Windows 64 bit

Windows 32bit

Collins Word List 2021 for LeXpert

Existing users of LeXpert can download the Collins Official Scrabble™ Word List 2021.

New to LeXpert?

  • Download and install the latest version of the application
  • Download the Word List file
  • Rename this file to UKNA.lxd
  • Replace the UKNA.lxd file in the Lexicons folder of your installation.

Terms and Acknowledgements

Collins Official Scrabble™ Words

Collins Official Scrabble™ Words is endorsed by WESPA for use in Tournament & Club play worldwide, excluding USA and Canada, from January 2022 and endorsed by Mattel. ©2022 Mattel. SCRABBLE™ and SCRABBLE tiles, including S1 tiles, are trademarks of Mattel.

Collins Zyzzyva Terms and Conditions

The Software was modified by HarperCollins and Twilight Century Computing in 2021 and the software is governed by GNU Public Licence. By downloading the Software you agree to the terms of the GNU Licence.

The Software is made available to you for your own private, non-commercial use only. The Software contains the following word lists Collins Scrabble™ Words 2012, Collins Scrabble™ Words 2015, Collins Scrabble™ Words 2019 and Collins Scrabble™ Words 2021, © HarperCollins Publishers Ltd (the “word lists”) which are the copyright material of HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. You may not use the word lists for non-private or commercial purposes including, but not limited to, copying the whole or any part, reverse-engineering, decompiling, editing, disseminating, selling or using for any form of commercial gain.

The term Scrabble is a registered trade mark of Mattel which Collins uses in the word lists under licence from Mattel. No licence is granted hereunder for the use of term Scrabble and you must clear any use of the term Scrabble with Mattel.

You acknowledge and agree that the Software is being made available for free on as is basis and that you have no claim for any defects in the Software itself or for any damage it may cause. You agree you are using the Software at your own risk and you hold HarperCollins Publishers Ltd and other developing parties harmless and will not bring any legal complaint or other claim in respect of the Software.


LeXpert UKNA.lxd contains Collins Scrabble™ Words 2021 (the “word list”) which are the copyright material of HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. You may not use the word list for any purpose including, but not limited to, copying the whole or any part, reverse-engineering, decompiling, editing, disseminating, selling or using for any form of commercial gain.