high scoring words

Collins Official SCRABBLE ™ Words 2024

One of the things that makes the official Scrabble word list unique is that it constantly evolves just as language does, keeping relevant to the zeitgeist (19 points!). Every few years, Scrabble game enthusiasts around the world get excited as the next update to our list of permissible words is… Read More

Using blank tiles

Scrabble is the only time in life when drawing a blank is good news. Ideally, use it to play all seven tiles for a bonus fifty points. Let’s say it is the opening move of the game. Your rack is EIKLTW and a blank. You might think: “Well, the K… Read More

Eight-letter words in Scrabble

Just as it makes sense to concentrate on the sevens which contain the commonest letters (AEIOU and LNRST), the eight-letter words with those same common letters are the ones that will pay the biggest dividends. Here are a few likely suspects: LATRINES… Read More

Seven-letter words in Scrabble

Some top-drawer Scrabble players know all the two-, three- and four-letter words. But nobody knows all the sevens. Well, maybe a tiny handful of dedicated word-study fanatics with photographic memories and lots of spare time, and even they must get the odd twinge of doubt over the correct spelling of… Read More