
Edge the Endgame

At the very end of the game, give some careful thought not just to what you want to do but also to what your opponent might do. It’s useful if you have been tile-tracking – crossing every letter off a prepared list as it is played so that you know… Read More

Play to the Board

Some players start every turn by looking at their rack, working out a word on it they would like to play, then looking for somewhere to play it. You do certainly need to look at your rack, but at the same time, look at the board. See what letters are… Read More

The letter T

The T is in that select club with N and R of being one of the best consonants for making bonus words. Not quite in the class of the S but probably the next best. The T is more versatile than the N or R, not so dependent on an… Read More

The letter S

With the exception of the blank, the S is the best letter in the set. The E is really good too, but with twelve Es in the bag you should normally get a reasonably reliable supply. The S is a different matter; there are just four of them, so treat… Read More

Words Can Begin and End with Anything

Don’t forget to examine all possibilities when looking for words, especially those seven- and eight-letter words that get you the fifty-point bonus. We don’t tend to think of words so easily if they begin with a vowel, or if they end with a vowel other than E. If I ask… Read More

Match an Opening with an Opening

Sometimes your opponent will play a word that opens the board right up, either for tactical reasons, or because it just happens. What do you do if you don’t have the letters to make use of it? For instance, the left-hand column has been opened up, giving a chance for… Read More

The letter R

The R is one of the one-point tiles, meaning it is a common letter and may be useful for making bonus words. The most obvious prefix and suffix using R are RE- and -ER. This does rather point to the main weakness of the R – it tends to need… Read More

The letter Q

Ah, we’ve reached it at last. The most difficult, frustrating letter of them all – but sometimes, if it falls right, a passport to a lovely high score. You know the only two-letter Q word – QI, with its appropriate meaning of vital energy. The only three- letter Qs are:… Read More

The letter P

A good tile to get, on a par with the M. In fact, M and P go particularly well together (except perhaps in politics), like in words containing IMP and EMP: BLIMP, WIMP, HEMP, TEMPT, etc. Two-letter words with the P are: PA father… Read More