An important point to grasp in Scrabble is the notion of open moves and closing moves.
Sometimes a move will open up an area of the board, making it possible to play a seven- or eight-letter word when it was not possible before. This would be an open move. Other moves can close areas of the board down, making it difficult or impossible to play where it was easier before; this is a closing or a blocking move. Letters like Q, V, C and J can be particularly useful to block the board.
Always consider whether your move is an opener or a closer. If you’re ahead, try to close the board to prevent your opponent coming back at you. If you’re behind, you need to keep things more open.
Some people always strive to keep the board open even when they’re ahead, but it’s a legitimate tactic to block things off – leave your opponent with the worry of keeping things open if you’re ahead.
By Barry Grossman
Barry is a leading UK Scrabble player and winner of several tournaments. He is the author of Scrabble for Beginners (Chambers), Need to Know Scrabble, Scrabble – Play to Win and The Little Book of Scrabble Trickster. He has also contributed to numerous other books on the subject of words and word-games, has been a series champion of Channel 4’s Countdown, and has written four comedy series for BBC Radio 4. He lives in Hertford.
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