Collins Scrabble Dictionary: Word lists with links to definitions
Below you’ll find some official Scrabble word lists. There are complete lists of two-, three-, and four-letter words, plus separate lists of three, four, and five-letter words containing each letter, and words ending with each letter of the alphabet.
Two-letter word lists
Full list of two-letter words in Scrabble™
Three-letter word lists
Full list of three-letter words in Scrabble™
Three-letter words containing ‘A’
Three-letter words containing ‘B’
Three-letter words containing ‘C’
Three-letter words containing ‘D’
Three-letter words containing ‘E’
Three-letter words containing ‘F’
Three-letter words containing ‘G’
Three-letter words containing ‘H’
Three-letter words containing ‘I’
Three-letter words containing ‘J’
Three-letter words containing ‘K’
Three-letter words containing ‘N’
Three-letter words containing ‘O’
Three-letter words containing ‘P’
Three-letter words containing ‘Q’
Three-letter words containing ‘R’
Three-letter words containing ‘S’
Three-letter words containing ‘T’
Three-letter words containing ‘U’
Three-letter words containing ‘V’
Three-letter words containing ‘W’
Three-letter words containing ‘X’
Three-letter words ending with ‘A’
Three-letter words ending with ‘B’
Three-letter words ending with ‘C’
Three-letter words ending with ‘D’
Three-letter words ending with ‘E’
Three-letter words ending with ‘F’
Three-letter words ending with ‘G’
Three-letter words ending with ‘H’
Three-letter words ending with ‘I’
Three-letter words ending with ‘J’
Three-letter words ending with ‘K’
Three-letter words ending with ‘N’
Three-letter words ending with ‘O’
Three-letter words ending with ‘P’
Three-letter words ending with ‘Q’
Three-letter words ending with ‘R’
Three-letter words ending with ‘S’
Three-letter words ending with ‘T’
Three-letter words ending with ‘U’
Three-letter words ending with ‘V’
Three-letter words ending with ‘W’
Three-letter words ending with ‘X’
Four-letter word lists
Full list of four-letter words in Scrabble™
Four-letter words containing ‘A’
Four-letter words containing ‘B’
Four-letter words containing ‘C’
Four-letter words containing ‘D’
Four-letter words containing ‘E’
Four-letter words containing ‘F’
Four-letter words containing ‘G’
Four-letter words containing ‘H’
Four-letter words containing ‘I’
Four-letter words containing ‘J’
Four-letter words containing ‘K’
Four-letter words containing ‘N’
Four-letter words containing ‘O’
Four-letter words containing ‘P’
Four-letter words containing ‘Q’
Four-letter words containing ‘R’
Four-letter words containing ‘S’
Four-letter words containing ‘T’
Four-letter words containing ‘U’
Four-letter words containing ‘V’
Four-letter words containing ‘W’
Four-letter words containing ‘X’
Four-letter words ending with ‘A’
Four-letter words ending with ‘B’
Four-letter words ending with ‘C’
Four-letter words ending with ‘D’
Four-letter words ending with ‘E’
Four-letter words ending with ‘F’
Four-letter words ending with ‘G’
Four-letter words ending with ‘H’
Four-letter words ending with ‘I’
Four-letter words ending with ‘J’
Four-letter words ending with ‘K’
Four-letter words ending with ‘N’
Four-letter words ending with ‘O’
Four-letter words ending with ‘P’
Four-letter words ending with ‘Q’
Four-letter words ending with ‘R’
Four-letter words ending with ‘S’
Four-letter words ending with ‘T’
Four-letter words ending with ‘U’
Four-letter words ending with ‘V’
Four-letter words ending with ‘W’
Four-letter words ending with ‘X’
Five-letter words lists
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘A’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘B’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘C’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘D’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘E’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘F’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘G’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘H’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘I’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘J’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘K’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘N’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘O’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘P’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘Q’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘R’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘S’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘T’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘U’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘V’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘W’
Five-letter words beginnning with ‘X’
Five-letter words containing ‘A’
Five-letter words containing ‘B’
Five-letter words containing ‘C’
Five-letter words containing ‘D’
Five-letter words containing ‘E’
Five-letter words containing ‘F’
Five-letter words containing ‘G’
Five-letter words containing ‘H’
Five-letter words containing ‘I’
Five-letter words containing ‘J’
Five-letter words containing ‘K’
Five-letter words containing ‘N’
Five-letter words containing ‘O’
Five-letter words containing ‘P’
Five-letter words containing ‘Q’
Five-letter words containing ‘R’
Five-letter words containing ‘S’
Five-letter words containing ‘T’
Five-letter words containing ‘U’
Five-letter words containing ‘V’
Five-letter words containing ‘W’
Five-letter words containing ‘X’
Five-letter words ending with ‘A’
Five-letter words ending with ‘B’
Five-letter words ending with ‘C’
Five-letter words ending with ‘D’
Five-letter words ending with ‘E’
Five-letter words ending with ‘F’
Five-letter words ending with ‘G’
Five-letter words ending with ‘H’
Five-letter words ending with ‘I’
Five-letter words ending with ‘J’
Five-letter words ending with ‘K’
Five-letter words ending with ‘N’
Five-letter words ending with ‘O’
Five-letter words ending with ‘P’
Five-letter words ending with ‘Q’
Five-letter words ending with ‘R’
Five-letter words ending with ‘S’
Five-letter words ending with ‘T’
Five-letter words ending with ‘U’
Five-letter words ending with ‘V’
Five-letter words ending with ‘W’
Five-letter words ending with ‘X’